My Role:
VS Pinball is a 2D top-down game designed for the touch table. The game was made in Unity with a team of 6 people, on which I worked as a programmer and game designer. As the programmer, I created the scripts for all power-ups and the audio scripts for sound effects. In regards to game design, I came up with the initial idea for VS Pinball and laid the foundation on which my team added details and improvements. The most impactful feature for VS Pinball lies in the basic idea of the game, which was aimed to create a two-player competitive game that combined the elements of both original pinball and air hockey. The result was a fun and unique experience reminiscent of regular arcade games that allows a degree of physical activity as well.
Game Description:
VS pinball takes the idea of the original pinball game and makes it into a two-player competitive game. When I originally came up with this idea, I thought about all the various two-player arcade games currently available and choose to incorporate elements of air hockey with pinball in order to change pinball from a single-player game into a competitive multiplayer one. Our team believed that combining the goal scoring portion of air hockey with the various mechanics of a pinball machine would create an interesting and fun environment for a competitive arcade game.
VS Pinball comes with three different themes that the players can choose from. These themes are The Arabian Nights, Celtic Tale, and Cloud Town. Each of these themes comes with their own unique powerups and gimmicks. The Arabian Nights has a genie and a camel that will seek to make the playersʼ lives a bit more difficult. There are also sandstorm powerups that the players can activate that will spawn sandstorms on the table, making it harder for the opposing player to land a shot in your goal. Among the features for Celtic Tale are two dragons and a one-time-use catapult powerup that deflects and shoots an enemy goal. In Cloud Town, there are tall trees that pierce through the clouds and act as obstacles for the competing players. The goal of these unique themes combined with the competitiveness of the game is to create a dynamic and fun environment for players in the unique arcade setting.